Friday, November 19, 2010

Though I haven't used XtraNormal with my classes (yet!), I did make a video for our last class which, incase you want to watch again and again, I have posted here. Wow, that was a run on sentences wasn't it?

During our Alternate Resources unit in early March, we have our students advocate the use of one alternate energy source. In the past, I have used iMovie (mixed reviews), Powerpoint (they were junk), and a hand made, hand drawn brochure (the current medium, and least likely to end in yucky work.) This year, I am tempted to ask the students to make XtraNormal PSAs. Though early March is past the timeline of this class, I hope to have a student or two make a few of these for reviews for quizzes. If we do that, I'll of course post it here.



  1. Sherri, After you showed us xtraNormal with the PSAs, I tried it with my after school intramural group. They loved it. In about an hour, most of the students (of all ages and abilities) were able to create a short video, and in less than 2 hours they created a product they were proud of. The one problem I found was that the account holders are supposed to be 13 to use some had to use my account. Thanks for showing me something new!

  2. It seems like this would work well in schools because most of the work would be in writing the script, rather than fiddling with the technology.

  3. I'm excited to use the technology in the coming months as part of my curriculum. I'll definitely post here when we've completed it!

  4. Janet,
    I hesitate to say this, but the 13 age limit doesn't really mean anything to me. I've created a class gmail account ( so that my students can do projects like these. I will be using this account for anything from prezi to xtranormal, to googledocs when Kirsten and I do our telecollaborative project. We'll see how it goes!
